Post Tagged with: "face shields"

Nantwich firm making NHS face shields “overwhelmed” by response

Nantwich firm making NHS face shields “overwhelmed” by response

A Nantwich firm which started making face shields for NHS frontline COVID-19 staff, has been “overwhelmed” by people wanting to help after the story featured on Nantwich News.

Staff at Gateway Electronic Components wanted to use their specialist 3D printers to construct shields for frontline staff in the local area.

May 1, 2020
Nantwich firm appeals for 3D printers to make face shields for NHS workers

Nantwich firm appeals for 3D printers to make face shields for NHS workers

A Nantwich company has appealed for 3D printers so they can expand their production of face shields for NHS staff on the COVID-19 pandemic frontline.

Gateway Electronic Components, on Beam Heath Way, has have started 3D printing face shields to help in the crisis and is running machines 24 hours a day.

April 15, 2020