Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd’s charity shop in Nantwich is appealing for volunteer drivers to help collect donations.
The store on Beam Street needs help to collect from people in the local area who are unable to get to the shop.
Donations could include small, portable furniture such as side tables, nests of tables, coffee tables, bedside cabinets and stools, as well as large amounts of bric-a-brac, homeware and clothing.
Drivers would be required to make pre-arranged house calls organised by the shop team and transport donations back to the shop.
Collections can be arranged around other commitments and could include evenings and weekends if more convenient.
Profit made from the sale of items in the shop will be gift-aided to The Salvation Army to help fund its work in communities throughout the UK.
Christine Walton, area manager for SATCoL in Nantwich, said: “Charity shops are being used more than ever by people struggling in the tough economic climate, especially mothers with young children.
“Shops like ours are always in need of more stock to meet demand. This is especially the case with small, portable furniture items and household goods.
“We hope by providing a collection service for items, which are hard for most people to carry into town, we can make it really easy for people to donate to us.
“We get lots of calls relating to house collections and volunteer drivers would really make a difference.
“We’ve already got some fantastic volunteers but there’s room for more.”
If you think you can help contact the shop on 01270 619474. For details on SATCoL charity shops visit www.wear2shop.co.uk
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