Nantwich campaigners fighting large housing developments are joining forces with residents facing similar issues in a neighbouring town.
Dozens are expected to attend a mass protest march in the centre of Sandbach tomorrow (September 29).
Like Nantwich, many residents there fear developers will take advantage of looser planning laws proposed by Government to build on more greenfield sites.
It’s believed the town could have another 5,000 properties built.
Nantwich is facing a similar issue, with two large development proposals at Stapeley and Reaseheath, which could add another 2,500 homes to the town.
Nantwich Cllr Peter Groves said: “I think quite a few people from Nantwich are intending to go along to lend their support.”
Sandbach campaigner Ian Knowlson said: “Our town and whole way of life is going to change unless we defend it and object.
“The impact on services such as, healthcare, roads, parking, school places, access to the emergency services will be massive.”
The protest march starts at 2pm from the lower Waitrose Car Park to the Cheshire East Council offices at Westfields via the High Street.
Meanwhile, the deadline for submitting views on the Nantwich Draft Town Strategy, which is designed to inform the Cheshire Local Plan until 2030, is Monday October 1.
Nantwich residents are urged to log their views online at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk
Have I got this right?
Older people want to prevent younger people having somewhere to live in their area?
They don’t want new housing in case increased supply might bring down the price of the properties they bought cheaply before the housing boom because they want all their equity protecting.
However these NIMBYS want their pensions paying out in full and healthcare providing for free? Out of the taxes of people who have to carry on working even though they have no chance of being able to afford a house to live in. Perhaps the young are just supposed to pay rent to the NIMBYs who buy a 2nd house to let out of their equity or pension?