Stoke City’s Ryan Shawcross will be kicks-starting a festive family fun run in Nantwich to help raise charity cash.
The spectacle, in aid of Hope House Children’s Hospice, will see hundreds of Santas dashing around the town centre on Sunday December 9.
The 2.5km fun run, is open to all ages, will be started by Potters and England defender Shawcross at 11am.
Participants can run or walk the course, and are urged to dress in their own fancy dress or can buy a Santa suit from one of the Hope House charity shops in Nantwich or Crewe for £2.50.
Registration forms are available at Hope House shops along with Santa suits in Nantwich and Crewe or from JJ Fitness Studios in Princes Court, Nantwich.
You can also phone the fundraising office on 01691 671 671 to register or visit www.hopehouse.org.uk
Finishers will receive a medal and a free mince pie donated by Nantwich-based Chatwins bakery.
All money raised will go to Hope House Children’s Hospices, which provide respite and palliative care to over 260 life-limited children and over 200 bereaved families across Cheshire, North and Mid Wales and Shropshire.
Entry is £5 per adult, children are free.
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