The annual Blitz Fireworks display and family fun evening at Highfields School in Nantwich takes place on Friday October 4.
As well as the fireworks display, there will be a BBQ provided by Grants Butchers, refreshments, games and stalls.
Gates will open at 6pm, with the fireworks display due at 8pm.
Advance tickets are £4 per person or a family of 4 for £14. On the gate, £5 per person.
Children 3 and under free.
Advance tickets available now from Highfields CP School Office, on Cumberland Avenue, Nantwich.
The night, organised by Friends of Highfields School PTA,will help to raise money towards school funds.
I am dismayed that this event has again taken place, the loud bangs are not appropriate for this time of year as we are at least 1 month prior to Bonfire Night.
Animal owners have a big problem with fireworks, as I am sure you are aware. Medication is often needed from a Vet to keep animals calm during this period, also pets are required to be confined to the home and not allowed out.
This area is a built up area and fireworks of this nature are not acceptable.
There are alternative ways to raise funds, and I am sure the RSPCA would be more than happy to come and give a free talk to both parents and children on the adverse effects of fireworks on the environment.