Developers have defended their bid to build houses on a narrow lane in Nantwich, despite objections.
Renew Land Developments Limited has submitted a planning application to demolish Greenbank Cottage and build 19 new homes on land off Welshmans Lane, Nantwich.
Town councillors and local residents have objected to the plan, which they say is unsuitable in terms of access.
But Carol Godfrey, spokesman for Renew Land Developments Ltd, said the plan would benefit the area as they would invest in improving the road.
“The application is a resubmission of an earlier application, the detailed design of which has not changed,” she said.
“The scheme would provide a mix of 1 bed apartments and 3, 4 and 5 bed houses plus associated access and landscaping works.
“It also makes provision for affordable housing; housing that will remain affordable in perpetuity.
“Whilst local residents have raised concerns regarding access to the proposed site, professional highways consultants, SCP, have established, based upon detailed research, that a safe access is in fact achievable and will not result in an unacceptable highway safety issue.
“Furthermore, when consulted on the earlier application, the Strategic Highways Manager from the local highways authority did not raise any highway safety concerns and access did not form a ground for refusal.
“As part of the new scheme, Renew Land Developments propose to make improvements to the existing road, making it wider and installing a footpath for safer pedestrian access.”
Nantwich Town councillors voted to issue their objection to the plan when they discussed it a council meeting earlier this month.
They fear it will make the lane and the junction with Waterlode more dangerous.
It also borders the entrance to a council-owned allotment site, and will be close to the massive Reaseheath College/Mosaic Estates development at Kingsley Fields.
Cllr Graham Fenton said: “This is on a bad bend on a narrow road, the access is not good, and there’s no speed limit down that lane.”
Cllr Stuart Hutton: “I think Nantwich has taken more than its fair share of new housing allocation and we should oppose this.”
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