Developers behind the latest plan to build 250 homes on land between Willaston and Nantwich say it will “benefit” the community.
They spoke out after strong reaction to a Stretton Ltd bid to develop a 28-acre plot of agricultural land between the A51 bypass, the railway line and Park Road in Willaston.
Shaun Taylor, managing director SATPLAN LTD, agents working on behalf of Stretton, said they have had more than 20 replies so far after 300 leaflets asking for views were posted through letterboxes in Willaston.
But he believes the development will help to “resolve some of the local issues”, including improvements to key highways and junctions.
“We appreciate our proposals are the latest in terms of other developments proposed within the wider area,” he told Nantwichnews.
“We do however strongly believe that this site offers an opportunity to resolve some of the local issues.
“So far we have received around 20 responses following the distribution of leaflets requesting the views of residents.”
He said key issues raised so far include Park Road being too narrow to accommodate further development, Peacock roundabout already congested, and low water pressure with further development making it worse.
Residents have also aired concerns over local schools already at capacity, local GPs over-subscribed, loss of a footpath that crosses the site, and impact on biodiversity of the site.
“All of the comments along with any others we receive will be taken into account when preparing our proposals for this site,” added Mr Taylor.
“The site does offer an opportunity to deliver significant community benefits and highway improvements to Park Road / Peacock Roundabout.
“In addition any plans for the site will take full account of the path that currently crosses the site, ensuring this remains attractive and in place for all residents to use.
“The planning application will also be underpinned by appropriate technical investigations to demonstrate the suitability of the site for residential development.”
However local councillors and residents say their village is “under siege” from developers and called for action to prevent it.
Willaston and Rope Councillor Brian Silvester said: “There have been three housing applications for a total of 207 houses passed in the Green Gap in Willaston in the last 10 months.
“The last one, on land off Moorfields, was passed on appeal. I pressed for that decision to be taken to judicial review and that is now to happen.
“CEC needs to get its act together speedily so this latest attack on the green gap can be refused and the refusal can be confirmed on appeal.”
I live in Willaston and never received a leaflet so had no idea about this development so how I am supposed to be able to object to a housing development that is more likely to ruin the village than benefit it. All the extra traffic that will be generated(it is always argued by developers etc. that each new house doesn’t have a minimum of two car drivers but walking around the village, especially the newer developments, it is easy to disprove that theory). The shops in the village may benefit from extra trade but ordinary residents will not.