Police staff in Cheshire have called off planned industrial for New Year′s Eve.
The decision was taken after discussions between Cheshire Constabulary and UNISON.
The action, which is not part of a national pay dispute, is over local terms and conditions relating to how much staff are paid for working cancelled rest days.
A UNISON spokesperson said: “UNISON, which represents thousands of civilian police staff across the North West, met with representatives of Cheshire Police to discuss the Allocation of Resources policy and staff concerns regarding rest day working.
“Following constructive dialogue in which both parties worked hard to reach a resolution, a revised proposal was tabled.
“On this basis we have suspended the planned strike action due to take place on 31st December in order to commence full consultation with our members on the new proposals.”
Cheshire Police bosses have welcomed the decision.
Cheshire Assistant Chief Constable Guy Hindle said: “Police staff play a significant and integral role in supporting the policing services we provide to our communities.
“This includes core business areas such as our call takers who receive police 999 emergency calls, and non-emergency 101 calls, as well as crime scene investigators and custody officers.
“The Constabulary recognises the right of those police staff who are union members to engage in industrial action, but we remain committed to delivering those essential services which protect the public from risk and harm.
“Our key objective is to ensure should industrial action take place, the Constabulary can continue to deliver to the communities of Cheshire the same high quality service they expect if us every day.”
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