More than £10 million of extra funding will help tackle pothole-ridden roads across Nantwich and Crewe.
Cheshire East Council has received it as part of a £54.5 million Government allocation to improve roads over the next six years to 2020/21.
Crewe and Nantwich MP Edward Timpson has welcomed the announcement of £10.45 million of new funding for potholes.
Cheshire East has been forced to increase its own spending in recent years as the borough’s roads have been plagued with potholes and rising complaints and compensation claims from motorists.
Mr Timpson said: “We all know that potholes and poorly-maintained roads are a menace, particularly around the Christmas and new year period.
“So this is great news for everybody who relies on the roads in Crewe and Nantwich.
“£10.45million of funding – part of a £54.5million package for maintenance over the next six years – will go a long way to dealing with the problems we face on our roads.
“Investing in Britain’s roads and infrastructure is a key part of our long-term economic plan to secure a better future for Britain – and it’s only possible because we’ve taken the difficult decisions to cut ineffective spending elsewhere.
“By fixing our roads the government is backing local businesses, and making life that bit easier for the hardworking people in Crewe and Nantwich who use them to get around.”
Overall, £976 million a year will be invested in roads maintenance in England – enough to fix around 18 million potholes across the country.
The question should be asked of the £10m what is the split across all the road features such as bridges, street lighting, drainage etc. and how much exactly is going against potholes. I think a very much less amount.
Does this mean that CEC will actually get off its backside and do something about the roads or stay on its backside talking about them?