Talented Brine Leas School students were a stage hit with their latest production of Fame.
The week-long series of shows were staged after six months of rehearsals.
And all the hard work was worth it, as performances proved a massive hit for all those involved at the Audlem Road school in Nantwich.
The cast displayed their well-practised skills to ‘sell out’ audiences with more than 1,000 people watching the show.
Brine Leas producer and director Emma Dunning said: “Rehearsals have brought their share of laughter and tears and also moments that we will all treasure.
“The students involved worked very hard and proved they have great potential for future productions.
“They are a true credit to themselves and the school.
“Their enthusiasm and commitment is to be truly applauded and I could not have wished for a better ensemble.”
The school was helped by Cheerbrook Farm Shop and Keble Heath Construction, who sponsored the programmes.
(Pictured above: Rory Godden, Emily Inskip, Ellen Wynn, Grace Latham, Jasmine Tomlinson and Adam Boulton sit on stage to watch Harry Grigg and Jack Bacon practising the splits)
(Pictured below: Maisie Bell applies some stunning make up to Ellie Duncalf; Hannah Smith and Alice-May Shaw proudly show their ‘Fame letters’; George Smith, Georgina Hardy and Alistair Hackshall practise their unusual ensemble; Hectic behind the scenes as Adam Boulton calmly allows Beth Redmayne to apply his stage make up)
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