Community heroes in Nantwich have been honoured at the Mayor’s Salt of the Earth awards.
Thousands of nominations were received by residents voting for people in a number of categories.
And the winners were invited to a ceremony at Nantwich Civic Hall to receive their honours.
Cllr Andrew Martin said: “The awards are a fantastic way to recognise and celebrate the unsung heroes of our town and I felt it was a legacy which should be continued.
“Over the past months in office I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with extraordinary people.
“So many people in our community give so much to make the town what it is and this is a perfect way to acknowledge some of that hard work and dedication.
“I also have to extend my thanks and appreciation to each and every person, business and organisation that was nominated and to all the volunteers of the town.”
Nine Salt of the Earth Awards were handed out, with a special commendation for Tom Brereton (pictured, below).
Tom recently found fame after hundreds of tributes were posted on Nantwichnews social media pages for his litter picking efforts around the River Weaver.
Award winners:
Volunteer Award
British Legion Secretary Chris Nocetti for his dedication in co-ordinating all the British Legion events and services in the town, including the giant poppy on St Mary’s Church lawn which united schools and communities alike.
Making Communities Safer Award
Nantwich PCSOs who work at the heart of Nantwich, spending time out and about the streets, engaging with the community and have a huge impact of people’s feeling of safety.
Business Support Award
David Pritchard and his team at Applewood Independent, for involvement in the town. The team has supported many events in Nantwich, including sponsoring the Battle of Nantwich and Christmas lights switch on.
Young Volunteer Award
Harrison Lunt, 18, a sixth former at Brine Leas, has run heart-defect screening sessions attended by hundreds of young people, won bids for defibs at his school, which also the local community, and has campaigned to raise funds for the cause.
Supporting The Community Award
Individuals including Ros Reid, John Parkin, Anne McKay and Cathie Riddell, members of St Mary’s Church. They have many years of supporting the community and can be found organising, volunteering, running and supporting a whole array of community initiatives.
Outstanding Organisation
Joint winners Nantwich Agricultural Society and Nantwich Events Photographers.
Nantwich Agricultural Society and its massive group of volunteers work throughout the year on The Nantwich Show and International Cheese Awards, bringing over 40,000 visitors to the town.
Nantwich Event Photographers was formed to get passionate photographers together to help in the community to photograph local events and activities. They are now regulars at every event in town, dedicating hours to capture the atmosphere of each occasion.
Inspiration Award
Chris Radford. Chris is a presenter and chairman of The Cat Community Radio, but also dedicates much of his spare time to co-ordinate, compare, host and support a wide variety of events in and around the town. He has been an invaluable part of the success of many of the Mayor’s events, not to mention his fundraising other fund-raising activities.
Mayor’s Recognition Award
Jeff Stubbs. Jeff is familiar for his role as chairman of Nantwich Civic Society, Greenspaces South Cheshire, and Nantwich Partnership.
He retired to Nantwich and vowed “never to get involved in planning again” until he came to Nantwich and fell in love with the town. He now uses his knowledge and experience in relation to public realm improvements to townscape and works tirelessly to improve the environment and protect the town’s heritage.
Nicola Moore, marketing manager from event sponsor South Cheshire College, said: “It is very humbling to hear how much fantastic work is being done by individuals.
“Whether that’s something that goes way beyond the call of duty, or simply because they are warm, caring and generous individuals who make life better for people in the town.
“On behalf of the college I would like to congratulate each and every one of the winners.”
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