A Plant and Book sale at Nantwich Museum helped raise £210 for the Pillory Street venue.
Many members and volunteers supported the event and contributed plants and books including the museum’s Craft Group who also sold items.
Second-hand books are always available at the museum priced at 75p or 3 for £2 – paperbacks or £1 for hardbacks and large paperbacks.
It costs about £1,000 a week to run the museum – an independent charitable trust with only a proportion of its income provided by council funding.
The balance must be found through donations and fund raising activities including the museum shop, town tours and educational activities.
About 26,000 people visit the museum each year and more than 1,400 children visit with their schools while outreach activities reach a further 700.
For details email Nantwich Museum on [email protected], call 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
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