Health bosses at NHS South Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group have reassured people who fall ill over Easter they can still access help.
Opening hours for GP practices and pharmacies will be different over the long Easter weekend, with many closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Local pharmacies also have different opening times over the Bank Holiday Weekend and are providing a rota.
Dr Fiona McGregor-Smith, Prescribing Lead at South Cheshire CCG, said: “It’s important to make a note of your local GP practice’s opening times and just to check which will be your nearest pharmacy this Bank Holiday Weekend.
“Knowing where to get advice, or having over-the-counter medicines at home ready to go, could mean you’ll be relieving your symptoms as soon as possible.
“One of the things in our ‘Seven Steps to Self-care’ is about knowing how long it takes for minor conditions to clear up.
“For if you have a sore throat, you don’t need to book a doctor’s appointment straight away, it could take around a week to go but you could ease the symptoms with over-the-counter medicines.”
Follow the ‘Seven Steps to Self-care’ on the CCG website, which will provide information on common ailments.
It includes advice on medicines to help ease symptoms straight away and where to get help.
Advice on non-urgent medical problems is available by calling NHS111, open 24/7 and free from mobile or landline.
There is also useful information on symptoms and treatments on the NHS Choices website at www.nhs.uk
Pharmacies will provide free, confidential advice on minor ailments like coughs, colds, aches and pains.
They can also advise whether to see other health professionals.
The Minor Injuries Unit at the Victoria Infirmary in Northwich will also be open every day over Easter from 9am to 10pm.
Full details of GP practice opening times, along with the local pharmacies, are available on the CCG’s website at www.southcheshireccg.nhs.uk
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