Slimmers have raised more than £7,000 for St Luke’s Hospice while shedding over nine stones in their own battles to lose weight.
Nine men and women accepted the ‘Mission SlimPossible’ challenge in January and embarked on a 12-week programme to improve health, fitness levels and achieve their weight-loss goals.
Catherine Moore, event fundraiser at St Luke’s, said: “I have been so impressed by the hard work, determination and willpower of everyone involved in Mission SlimPossible.
“Our slimmers were tasked with raising money for the hospice as well as losing weight, and they all got involved with various fundraising activities to raise their sponsorship including bag packing in supermarkets, street collecting, organising a pudding club and an 80s disco night.
“Not only have many of them achieved their goals to lose weight and get fit, but they have also raised a fantastic amount of money towards patient care here at St Luke’s. I applaud them all.”
As part of the 12-week challenge, the slimmers tried a range of activities including belly dancing, hula hooping, circuits and Zumba.
They were supported throughout by Nutritional Therapist Naomi Langford-Archer.
The 12-week programme culminated in a celebration at Rookery Hall in Nantwich where slimmer Janice Moores was recognised for losing the most weight, shedding two stone in just 12 weeks.
Claire Bailey won the award for raising the most amount of money for St Luke’s, more than £2,000, through bucket collecting and organising the pudding club.
Students from South Cheshire College did the slimmers’ make-up for the celebration and Miles West Photography who captured the event.
(Pic: Claire Langston, Janice Moores, Lorna McKenzie, Susie Griffiths, Darren Gorst, Gillian Plant and Susan Smith – photo courtesy of Miles West Photography)
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