Pear Tree School in Stapeley has launched a new weekly Playgroup.
“Little PiPs” is being run by the staff from ‘PiPs’ – the primary school’s own before and after school club.
It meets every Thursday in term time in the school hall and has gained a growing following since it opened in January.
Pips manager Katherine Threadgold said: “Little Pips is an outreach project for the families of the Pear Tree children and for children and parents from across the town.
“You don’t need to live in Stapeley to attend it is open to all! We became aware of other groups closing and also know that childcare can be lonely and challenging.
“Groups such as Little Pips offer a great opportunity for the parents to meet up and for the children to socialise in a safe and stimulating environment.
“We plan different activities every week and have lots of space for all ages from tiny babies to pre-school children.
“We have messy play, songs and stories and lots of smiles!”
Headteacher of Pear Tree Boo Edleston added: “As a mum, I remember how long some days felt when I had too little sleep and was on my own.
“The importance of the friendships and the support I gained from others at such groups was invaluable and my sons made life-long friends.
“As part of our commitment to emotional healthy communities it was an obvious next step for us to be able to offer a Playgroup.
“We recognise the importance of the school as a community hub and are absolutely delighted with the really positive response we have had.
“Our new hall extension will also open next term which will give us an even larger space to utilise.”
The Playgroup takes place at Pear Tree every Thursday in term times from 9.15am to 10.45am. £2.50 per child with snack included.
The session is led by qualified staff and all are welcome.
To find out more call the school on 01270 906120 or turn up.
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