Nearly 93% of parents have secured their first choice primary school for September 2019 admission, according to Cheshire East Council.
Admissions figures show local schools offered 98.4% of Cheshire East residents a place at a school of their choice – with nearly 93 per cent being offered their first preference.
Mark Palethorpe, acting executive director of people at Cheshire East Council, said: “The number of parents receiving a place at a Cheshire East school of their preference remains consistently high.
“It reflects the work done within the borough to ensure that there are sufficient school places available to meet the needs of families living in, and moving to, Cheshire East.”
Jacky Forster, director of education and skills at Cheshire East Council, said:”We strive to meet parental preference for a school place as we appreciate this is an important decision for families and understand the importance of being able to attend a local school.
“Cheshire East has a national reputation for excellence in education, with more than 90% of primary schools rated as good or outstanding by Ofsted.”
Parents who have not received a place at a preference school have the right to submit an appeal and/or go on the waiting list for another school(s).
Parents are advised to accept their child’s offer, even if they would prefer another school, until they have confirmed alternative arrangements for their child’s education.
For further advice, parents can look at the Cheshire East website, the website of their preferred school, e-mail [email protected] or call 0300 123 5012.
Parents are also encouraged to follow the council’s family information service on social media for tips and advice.
Further information on primary school place decisions for September 2019 is available on the council’s website at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schools/admissions/september-2019-allocations.aspx
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