More than 100 fines have been handed out to irresponsible owners for failing to control or clean up after their dogs since Cheshire East Council chiefs beefed up their powers, writes Stephen Topping.
Cheshire East launched a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) to tackle dog fouling and dog control issues on November 1, 2017, with the aim of encouraging responsible dog ownership.
Figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show between November 2017 and August 2019, 61 fixed penalty notices were issued to owners who failed to clean up after dogs.
A further 51 fixed penalty notices were handed out over dog control issues.
Cllr Mick Warren, CEC cabinet member for communities, said: “We want everyone to enjoy the Cheshire East countryside and make the most of our beautiful parks, nature reserves and open spaces.
“To ensure areas are safe and clean for everyone to use, we have to be strict about asking dog owners to keep their dogs under control and to pick up after them.
“Most people are very responsible when walking their dogs and are happy to keep to these simple rules and we thank them for helping us to maintain pleasant green spaces for all to enjoy.”
Under the PSPO, dog owners can be fined between £100 and £1,000 for failing to control their dogs or clean after them.
The first fine handed out under the PSPO was in January 2018 for fouling, and a further two followed in the same month.
CEC handed out 32 fines over dog fouling in 2018 and 30 for dog control issues.
In the first eight months of this year, 29 fines were handed out for fouling and 21 were issued for dog control – pointing to an increase in the council’s use of the PSPO this year.
Cllr Warren said: “Incidents of this sort of anti-social behaviour remain fairly consistent, although we have seen marked improvements as and where we shift our focuses to specific open spaces.
“Some of the fixed penalty notice level comparisons highlighted are due to several factors.
“One of these is that an initial period of public education about PSPOs and warnings about behaviour was followed by stricter enforcement with the issue of fines.
“Problem hot-spots have also been identified and targeted by enforcement, which has led to improvements in levels of responsible dog ownership.
“Enforcement activity will always fluctuate from location to location, with targeted hot-spots likely to see a spike in the number of fines.”
Last October was the busiest month for enforcement officers so far, with six fines handed out over dog fouling and eight for control issues, followed by December 2018.
In contrast, no fines were issued in February and April 2018, and only one was handed out last month.
The PSPO, designed to give a more consistent approach across the borough than previous byelaws, is due to be reviewed with a view to renewal by November 2020.
Cllr Warren added: “Our officers are not able to patrol all areas at all times, so our patrol plans are focussed on known problem areas.
“We are increasing our team of community enforcement officers by three by the end of this year and they will assist with patrols alongside our enforcement partners Kingdom.
“We are confident that the current order will remain in place, following its three-year review next year, as it allows more effective enforcement against the minority of irresponsible dog owners.”
CEC has a statutory duty to keep land clear of waste – including dog fouling – and to take action against irresponsible owners who fail to clean up after their dogs on public space.
Dog mess is a health hazard – particularly to young children, who can easily pick up roundworm eggs that cause stomach upsets, sore throats, asthma and in some cases, blindness.
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