Secondary schools in Nantwich are being forced to scale back teaching and ask pupils to study at home as they are hit by staffing problems caused by the Coronavirus crisis.
Brine Leas and Malbank say teachers suffering virus symptoms and having to self-isolate has left them no options.
Today, they said each year group would asked to study at home for at least one day over the next week.
The could continue into future weeks if staffing levels remain low.
Parents were informed today that Year 12 students are asked to study at home independently tomorrow (March 18) and return on Thursday.
On Thursday March 19, Year 8 will be asked to study at home and return on Friday.
On Friday March 20, Year 9 will be asked to study at home and return on Monday.
And on Monday March 23, Year 10 will be asked to study at home and return on Tuesday.
David Cole, head at Brine Leas, said: “To date, we have been able to retain normality for our students, but school staff are no different than any other workforce when following national advice about their health and wellbeing in these challenging times.
“The announcements made yesterday have had an impact on the availability of several of the teachers and other school staff and we will inevitability have to make adjustments to the operation of the school.
“By letting you know today, we are hoping that it will help you make your arrangements at home.
“All students should be in school unless instructed otherwise in line with the plan.
“We are working in partnership with Malbank School and our other partners, so that there is clarity across the town for families.
“We are taking this action because of significantly reduced staffing levels and to try to maintain as close to normal teaching as possible for our two examination cohorts (Years 11 and 13).
“We are working on getting the necessary resources online for you and your children to access.
“Should the national picture or our staffing levels change again, we will immediately inform you of any required alterations to this plan.
“As we move into a new phase of the national response to the situation, please be assured that our primary aim is for school business to continue in the most normal way possible.”
Parents can keep up to date via Twitter and email and check school websites.
Current advice from Public Health England and the NHS is that staff, young people and children should stay at home if they are unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature to avoid spreading infection to others.
Otherwise they should attend education or work as normal.
If staff, young people or children become unwell on site with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature they will be sent home.
Walea and scotland schools are now closing so that just leaves us…one day off is not going to make one bit of difference , changes are being made all over the world , its time to protect our children