Dear Editor,
At last Tuesday’s virtual Cheshire East Council’s Cabinet meeting, I was outraged to have to listen to the Labour Leader of the Council, Cllr Sam Corcoran, launch into a tirade blaming the previous Conservative administration for the Well Managed Highways Infrastructure Policy which his own Cabinet team had only recently unanimously voted through.
Within that document was the detail of changes to Winter Gritting Routes, this detail contained the information about which roads would no longer be gritted.
This important information was only given to we Crewe Councillors at the end of July 2019 and so, guess what – you were in charge then Cllr Corcoran not Conservatives.
It is this detail about which roads would be removed from the Winter Gritting routes that has caused so much fuss within the Council resulting in Scrutiny Committee Members asking for Cllr Corcoran’s Cabinet’s decision to be reconsidered.
Councillor Corcoran was clearly rattled that he was having to take on board the sensible and well thought out recommendations from the cross party Scrutiny Committee, which, of course, includes some of his own group members.
It must have been hard for him to swallow the fact that his Cabinet then went on to unanimously support the recommendations presented to them by the Scrutiny Committee.
Margaret Simon
Cheshire East Councillor for Wistaton Ward
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