Plans have been submitted to build and open a new car wash and valeting service on land at Nantwich Town FC.
The site, which would employ six people, is for land at the junction of Waterlode and Reaseheath Way, to the south of the football club’s car park.
The site currently has no formal approved use but does act as an overflow car park for the football club and for general events in the town.
In a report to Cheshire East Council, agents for applicant Simon Woodhouse say they want to use “a small portion of the land to provide an access road around the perimeter of the site to the cleaning area at the west of the site, with ultimate egress along the northern boundary”.
It continues: “A painted steel container is to be sited on the western boundary to accommodate storage for the various cleaning machines and equipment and also a small office and customer waiting area.
“A perspex canopy, supported on the container and painted steel posts will also be constructed.
“A chemical toilet will be provided adjacent to the container for staff use only.
“A bunded concrete wash-down hardstanding will be provided with falls towards an ACO drain which in turn will connect to a settlement tank with final discharge to the adjacent stream.
“Should the proposal be granted in principle the applicant will submit more detailed information regarding the drainage and outfall.”
The proposal is to operate the site from 9am to 7pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday and 9am-5pm Sundays and Bank Holidays.
The remaining land will be left open for the continued informal use as an over-flow car park.
A visual of the planned car wash is on Cheshire East Council’s planning portal and can be found here.
(pic by Google Maps)
This can’t be allowed to go ahead. Discharging water contaminated with cleaning chemicals into the nearby stream which then flows into the River Weaver. It will Kill plant life, Wildlife and Fish.
Step forward Robert Tunnicliff, Nantwich’s candidate for Reform!
Another immigrant filled, cheap car wash/money laundering enterprise. I’ll never use.
Great idea. I’d certainly use the car wash as no doubt hundreds of other Nantwich residents will.
Good luck with your proposal, don’t let the doom and gloom negative comments put you off.
utter rubbish idea, once again housing development plans are passed to have the commercial world creeping in, car washes are usually sited at far busier places than this I doubt there will be the demand they need really
Stupid idea, the car park is ideal as it is as a overflow car park for football, if you lose any space no matter how small those cars will have no choice than to park on Reaseheath Way or even worse further into the development causing hell for it’s residents on its already to narrow roads. What will be interesting is to see how Reaseheath Way/Richard Gibson Road struggles to cope the the future Coop, School & Nantwich relief road through the development it’s already bad enough getting on and off the the estate as it is without putting further strain on that particular area7
Hope it gets rejected.
Hang about mr Bacon, I would like more info on the run off water into streams, will this mean more pollution to the river Weaver? As for jobs for local people that will not be a given considering the high number of out of work don’t want to work youngsters. Hold on to your joyous praise until experts have glanced over the plans first
I think this would be an eyesore and would take the estate down market. We don’t want to look like a junk yard, this is a housing estate not a business park. I hope it is rejected.
Just what Nantwich needs , a decent local carwash providing local employment for local people , well done Mr Woodhouse for seeing a great opportunity and acting upon it , wishing you all the very best for your new venture .