Residents in Cheshire East are being asked if they want “special powers” extending to tackle anti-social behaviour such as dog fouling.
Cheshire East Council is consulting over whether special orders protecting communities should be extended for a further three years, including the control of dogs and dog fouling.
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) were introduced across the borough to tackle anti-social behaviour, criminal activity and dog fouling.
And the council is now seeking to extend them for a further three years.
PSPOs being reviewed fall into two categories:
● Gating orders
● Control of dogs
Gating orders are in place where gates have been installed to block off passageways to prevent crime and anti-social activity.
These were introduced in some parts of the borough, including Crewe and Middlewich, several years ago and have now been consolidated into PSPOs.
Residents living in areas where gating orders are in place, will be contacted directly by letter and asked if they wish the order to continue.
A borough-wide PSPO introduced in November 2017 applies to dog fouling and dog control, making it an offence punishable by an on-the-spot penalty if an owner fails to clean up after their dog.
The council must review PSPOs after a three-year period.
A number are due for review before October this year.

Cllr Mick Warren, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for communities, said: “Public Space Protection Orders give local councils additional powers to deal with a wide range of anti-social issues to assist in keeping local communities safe.
“In truth, no council wishes to have to introduce them.
“But, sadly, they have become necessary in some parts of our borough where residents have complained of behaviour that impacts on their environment and their quality of life.
“Dog fouling is one of the biggest concerns that our residents have and the council will continue to crack down on irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets and owners who fail to control their dogs in public places.”
The consultations for the borough-wide dog control public space protection order run for six weeks.
To take part visit: https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/environment/community_safety/anti-social_behaviour/public-space-protection-orders/public-spaces-protection-orders-pspo’s.aspx
The two go hand in hand – both show a total lack of respect for public spaces . The nantwich litter action group do an amazing job , ( I do litter picking ) but it should not need to be done !!
Rather they got tough on littering and fly tipping which they seem to have no care about full stop.