winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,

At the most recent Cheshire East virtual Cabinet meeting, Cllr Sam Corcoran was irritated that questions to both himself and his Labour/Independent coalition Cabinet, from other equally elected Councillors, took up just over 40 minutes of the meeting.

Astonishingly, he then asked all Councillors to think about how questions to his Cabinet could be made more efficient.

Clearly he thinks we waste his precious by time asking questions.

During the Covid period opportunities where the Leader and his team are present in meetings, at the same time, are limited to Cabinet meetings.

That is therefore currently the only opportunity to question the Administration in a meeting which is open to the public.

Cllr Corcoran is blatantly, once again, trying to adjust the democratic process to suit himself and stifle democracy and it won’t do.

Cllr Margaret Simon
Wistaston Ward

One Comment

  1. Do councilors actually talk to each other? It seems they are communicating exclusively via local media.

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