Nantwich’s monthly Farmers’ Markets will make a welcome return to Nantwich Town Square on Saturday August 29.
The markets have been postponed for the past five months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Farmers’ Market offers produce that is locally grown, seasonal and fresh.
Farmers pick produce at the peak of flavour, preserving the nutritional content of fresh produce.
Most of the produce on sale has been grown, reared, brewed, pickled, baked, smoked or processed by the stall holder.
Expect herbs, vegetables, home bakes, meat and poultry, pies, cheeses, breads and much more…
A spokesperson for Nantwich Town Council, which organises the market, said: “Come along and join us on the last Saturday of every month and treat yourself and your family to good quality, locally grown foods.
“Steps have been put in place to ensure safe distancing is adhered to.”
For more information visit www.nantwichtowncouncil.gov.uk
Crazy this shouldn’t be going ahead this illness hasn’t gone away
Good What about some music like the Banjo boys