The Wistaston and Rope War Memorial Project will be officially opened on Remembrance Sunday if government Covid-19 guidelines allow, writes Jonathan White.
The names of 16 local men who died in the two World Wars are commemorated on the Memorial cross in the grounds of St Mary’s Church, Wistaston.
The area around the Wistaston and Rope War Memorial in the grounds of St Mary’s Church has been modernised and made safer to visit.
The £12,500 project was organised by St Mary’s Church in partnership with Wistaston Parish Council and Rope Parish Council.
The significant improvements were funded by St Mary’s Church, Wistaston Parish Council, Rope Parish Council, with donations from Bentley Motors and members of the public.
The church has underwritten the financial shortfall of the project by £3,000.
But donations toward the refurbishment and upkeep of the memorial are still being received and encouraged.
Make donations to St Mary’s PCC, The Church Office, Church Lane, Wistaston. CW2 8HA, or securely online at: https://bit.ly/stmaryswarmemorial
There will also be a Remembrance Sunday service on the same day, but it will be limited numbers.
It will be live-streamed over the Internet, via: https://bit.ly/stmarysfacebookwatch and https://bit.ly/stmarysyoutubechannel
Rev Mike Turnbull, St Mary’s Church, Wistaston, said: “The official opening is not quite how we expected it would be when we began this project some three years ago.
“However, I encourage people to watch our Remembrance Sunday Service, on one of our social media channels from 10:30am, where they can witness the first wreath laying on the refurbished memorial area.
“Many thanks to all those who have worked together to make this possible.
“Please remember that you are most welcome to visit the new area at any time, look and give thanks for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.”
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