Furious residents in Aston and Wrenbury say a firm has started constructing a controversial new development while its planning application is still being considered by Cheshire East Council.
They claim Concrete Panels Systems Ltd, part of Graham Heath Construction, has already started building a new concrete batching plant at its current site at Station Yard, Wrenbury Road.
These images suggest construction work has been ongoing, and more than 150 have now lodged objections on the Cheshire East Council planning website.
Residents who live nearby say work has been going on for weeks and have accused the council of “standing by and allowing work to carry on”.
Network Rail also objected and called on CEC to halt all work on the development due to potential impact on the railway line.
In a letter, Network Rail’s Town Planning technician said: “At first the only works that had been carried out were the erection of a 3m fence.
“However since then, it has been brought to our attention that works have continued and cranes and workmen are on site.
“Network Rail objects to the above proposal as it is unclear how these works will affect the access Network Rail have through the site.
“These works also seem to be happening within a few metres of the Crewe to Shrewsbury mainline.
“More detailed plans will need to be submitted as part of this application. No works should be carried out on site until matters have been addressed.”
Wrenbury Parish Council has also “strongly objected”, saying the application “will have serious detrimental impact on the economy, infrastructure, and lives of residents in the immediate area and throughout Wrenbury Parish”.
Neighbouring Newhall Parish Council also objected.
In its letter, they stated: “The Parish objection takes into account the fact that the current operation already exceeds B1 status which has caused many planning conflicts since its creation.
“The applicant’s business is already the cause of many complaints from local residents and businesses since establishment in 2008.
“Concerns include noise, spread in high volumes of concrete dust, paint fumes and this whilst operating out of approved hours daily, at weekends and on Bank Holidays.”
Graham heath Group Ltd has declined to comment, but CEC said today they were aware of the work and have issued warnings.
One resident said: “There are houses within a few metres.
“All of this has no planning permission. Cllr Toni Fox has said she wants enforcement to come down on developers who break the rules, but what have they done! Nothing.

“Cheshire East have done nothing to protect residents, listen to the video, that went on for days.
“A wide area is impacted through noise, cement dust (a carcinogen) and HGV movements on very narrow roads, and yet CEC still do nothing.”
Cllr Toni Fox, Cheshire East Council cabinet member for planning, said: “These works were brought to the attention of the council on 11 November 2020.
“Planning officers contacted the site manager and advised that the works being undertaken did not have planning permission, were being carried out entirely at their own risk and may be subject to enforcement action should they continue.
“The council is aware of concerns, which have been expressed by local residents and Wrenbury Parish Council, with regards to the development and will have careful regard to these in any decision it makes in relation to both the planning application and the expediency of taking enforcement action.”
A spokesperson for Graham Heath Group Ltd said: “Whilst there is a live planning application under determination by the council, we have no comment to make.”
(Images courtesy of Nantwich News readers)
Don’t be naive residents of Aston and Wrenbury, we are an ‘Industrial’ rural location, also our Parish and Local Councils are as spineless (and in it for themselves) as our National Government.
Graham Heath would not be spending money if there was any risk to this not going ahead, the company knows it’s in the bag.
We will have to adjust to more heavy goods traffic, congestion and wrecked fencing/hedges.
Can anyone on the council explain how this work is allowed to proceed?
It does make you wonder who plays golf with who. Graham Heath should be made to dismantle all work carried out without PP and face heavy fines for every day this is not complied with.
Just another case of one rule for them, one rule for us – we (the taxpayers) are just ‘little people’ to be ignored whilst the Council just stand by and watch.
Work continues daily – it now looks ready to be operational with aggregate in the bunkers ready to go!
Hmmm, maybe cynical but I do wonder if Graham Heath has already been given a nod and a wink.
Also notice workman picture has no PPE!!! No hard hat or harness – what if he falls? Once again clearly no regard for employees / contractors / rules / neighbours
Shocking this company can flount the rules and get away with it time and time again – poor residents.
This area is not suitable for all the HGV’s, they often have to shunt on the roads nearby they should be supported to relocate onto the A500!