Green-fingered primary school pupils in Nantwich have created a vegetable garden thanks to a £1,250 grant.
Year 6 youngsters at Millfields Primary have worked their site manager Mr Cornes to create the garden.
Under his guidance, children planned and designed the area, built raised beds for planting vegetables and created an eco-friendly compost area for all the schools kitchen waste.
And the project has been funded after the school received a £1,250 grant from Beech Hall School Trust Limited.
The children’s hard work has meant they have achieved Level One in the RHS Gardening Awards and are close to securing Level 2.
One of the Year 6 children said of the project: “I have enjoyed gardening club as we get out in the fresh air and help the environment.
“I liked planting all the vegetables such as, Japanese onions and leeks.
“I’m looking forward to planting other vegetables in the Spring.”
Another pupil added: “I enjoy getting my hands muddy and planting trees, bushes, flowers, fruit trees, leeks, garlic, onion and being in a club with Mr Cornes.
“I’m also looking forward to planting marigolds and potatoes in the Spring.”
Millfields Headteacher Rob Parish added: “This has been a tremendous project for the children to take part in.
“They have really enjoyed every aspect and it has helped them to learn more about where their food comes from and how we can help the environment.
“Mr Cornes is well known in the community for his gardening skills and it is great to see him passing these skills, knowledge and enthusiasm onto the next generation of gardeners and other year groups in the future too.”
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