Dear Editor,
There is no justification for Council tax increases this year.
But despite that, Crewe residents will have to pay an increased Council Tax to no less than all the four authorities they are obliged in law to pay…..and in most cases the increases are many times over the rate of inflation.
Many Crewe residents are struggling financially because of the Lockdown and are having to survive on less income coming in.
How are they supposed to pay for these ever increasing Council Tax rises?
Cheshire Police are increasing their Council Tax by 7%…….which is SEVEN TIMES the 2020 rate of inflation.
Labour-run Crewe Town Council are increasing their Council Tax by 6%…….which is SIX TIMES the 2020 rate of inflation.
Labour run Cheshire East Council are increasing their Council Tax by 5%…….which is FIVE TIMES the 2020 rate of inflation.
Cheshire Fire are increasing their Council Tax by 2%…….which is TWO TIMES the 2020 rate of inflation.
How are these huge increases justified……especially when so many Crewe residents are struggling to survive?
To add insult to injury these huge increases are taking place at a time when many of the services provided are in decline.
For example, potholes are worse than ever and are a danger to road users…..especially those on two wheels.
It doesn’t have to be like this.
The Minshull Vernon and District Parish Council, of which I am a member, have made a slight reduction in their Council tax for 2021/22, which I fully supported.
We have done this, whilst at the same time maintaining the services we offer residents and making some improvements.
It can be done where there is a will to do it.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Candidate, Crewe West
Putting Crewe First
The responsibilities are nothing like those of a Parish Council. You seem to be forgetting the reduction in central goverment funding which the council has to budget for.