Dear Editor,
Remove car parking charges, in Nantwich, for three months to stimulate the Town’s Economy.
We have been extremely fortunate that, in recent years, Nantwich has weathered challenging economic conditions.
This is due to the fact that many of the shops in this wonderful town are owner run and managed and not part of the national chains, such as Debenhams, which have sadly not survived both the pandemic and the enormous increase in “online shopping”.
Following the Prime Minister’s “Roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions,” made on the 22nd February, it is clear that we are slowly seeing a phased return to some sort of normality but the economic position, especially of small owner run shops, remains very precarious.
Throughout the pandemic, efforts have been made in the town to encourage shoppers to patronise Nantwich shops with signs such as “Shop Local” etc.
Whilst we acknowledge the efforts already made, we both feel that there needs to be a fresh impetus to encourage shoppers back into the town, as recent car park photos at peak times show, we are a long way off previous levels of usage.
With the loss of visitor numbers, through the cancellation of Holly Holy Day/Battle of Nantwich, the Jazz Festival, and the Food Festival, we believe that to provide a new impetus for the shoppers and visitors to come back Cheshire East should make all parking in the Town free for the months of May, June and July.
This short period accompanied by the start of the summer will hopefully encourage people into the town and stimulate the economic recovery and growth the Town would welcome after a difficult period.
Peter Groves and Andrew Martin
Cheshire East Councillors for Nantwich South and Stapeley Ward
I wholeheartedly agree with this proposal. Once the country opens up again, we need to encourage people to visit Nantwich, kickstart the local economy and support local businesses.
By making parking free over the Summer months, it will make it easier for locals and visitors to come to the town, spend money in our local shops and restaurants and make it buoyant again.
I would agree with the idea of free car parking for May, June & July – but the CEC Budget for 2021/2022 has been agreed by cabinet – where would the loss of income from the Car parking come from? Will all areas of Cheshire East be treated equally & fairly on this idea of free car parking?
Council Tax Payers, Parish precept payers, Fire & Police will see a big increase in what they pay in Nantwich – with the bills hitting our door steps very soon.
This will mean we have less money to spend in the shops. Nantwich already paid the highest parish precept in Cheshire. It is going up by 42.5% for 2021/2022. Whilst some residents suffer reduced income due to Covid.