Rachel Bradshaw - Cheshire Wildlife Trust

Cheshire Wildlife Trust is recruiting for seven new positions to its Nature Recovery team.

Positions range from entry level living landscape officers, to senior living landscape officers and programme managers.

The trust is appealing to those with a passion and drive to double the amount of wildlife and wild areas in the county.

Wildlife trusts across the UK are looking to turn the tide of the ecological and climate emergencies.

In Cheshire, the aim is to double the space currently given to wildlife in the region.

The seven new staff will work across Cheshire, Halton, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Warrington and Wirral.

Ben Gregory, Area Manager at Cheshire Wildlife Trust, said: “Cheshire Wildlife Trust are looking for passionate and energetic people who share our vision for a Wilder Future.

“People who can double the space we currently give to nature.

“Creating and then securing the good management of 30% of land in Cheshire for wildlife will be no easy feat.

“We need people who can enhance, restore and connect our beautiful natural areas, allowing our native plants and animals the space they need to thrive. We must be ambitious. We cannot fail.

“My favourite part of working at Cheshire Wildlife Trust is being in a job where you can actually see the differences you’re making for wildlife on a daily basis.

“I’ll never forget when we dug out a large pond on a farm within Cheshire’s Peak District.

“Being the Peaks, it was tough going and getting large machinery up the steep slopes was a challenge to say the least.

“With sunshine and rain showers, we eventually got the work done before the sun began to set over the hills.

“As I stood back to take in our achievement, I heard the now all too rare “cur-lee” call of a curlew.

“Looking into the air, I saw a pair of curlews circling the newly installed pond, searching for an opportunity to land and begin sifting through the mud for tasty worms and insects.

“These birds, which have been pushed to near extinction in the many areas in the Peaks, now have a perfect feeding ground that we’ve created. That is why I do what I do.”

Salaries for the roles range from £18,000 for living landscape officers through to £36,000 for experienced programme managers.

The seven roles are currently open for applications until midnight on Sunday August 8.

To apply visit cheshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/jobs for more information.

living landscape officers - cheshire wildlife trust

One Comment

  1. Jasmine Barton says:

    I am very interested in any wildlife jobs

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