Motorists in Crewe and Nantwich are being warned of some disruption as Cheshire East Council steps up its road repairs programme in next few weeks.
With major gas pipe works on Welsh Row, bridge repairs on A530 Whitchurch Road, and fibre broadband works across the town, it could be a summer of delays and diversions.
CEC says its road improvement programme includes carriageway patching, surface treatment and full resurfacing.
It began on July 16 and is planned for the summer, when the temperatures are higher and the weather is normally drier.
It will see 26km (16 miles) of roads resurfaced or treated this year out of a total road network in the borough of 1,677 miles.
They say its programme of works is prioritised in line with a defined scoring criteria, which can be found at: www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/highways_and_roads/road-maintenance/road-repair-and-improvement-programme-2021-2022/road-repair-and-improvement-programme-2021-2022.aspx
A Cheshire East Council spokesperson said: “The programme will improve some of the key sections of highway network and this will naturally cause some disruption and inconvenience, for which we apologise in advance. We would ask drivers to be patient and please plan ahead.”
The council’s online roadworks tracker can be found at: Latest roadworks
For more information, visit:www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/highways_and_roads/road-maintenance/road-condition-and-repairs.aspx
To view the latest programme of repairs visit:
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