Dear Editor
I have written to Nantwich News several times in recent years about my genuine fear roads in the village of Wistaston will become an accident blackspot due to the associated rise in traffic of several hundred occupants vehicles, due to two new, large housing estates: Wistaston Brook and Kingfisher Reach.
To summarise, there are three sections of roadway where I have raised my concerns that a disaster is on the horizon unless action is taken by Cheshire East Highways, in conjunction with the developers.
1. ‘Wistaston Brook’ vicinity – a splitter island located on Church Lane adjacent to Teal Way – the sole entrance/exit of the 300 dwelling Bloor Homes ‘Wistaston Brook’ housing development – ‘throws’ traffic towards the adjacent Wistaston Hall Bridge over Wistaston Brook when heading towards Crewe.
The same island is also not designed for pedestrians to cross the road, thus making it hazardous for anyone wishing to cross this increasingly busy thoroughfare.
The island should be relocated and made pedestrian-friendly before a vehicle impacts the bridge or a pedestrian is hit.
2. ‘Wistaston Brook’ vicinity – a road-bridge on Church Lane/Valley Road adjacent to the Joey the Swan recreation area and a short distance from Wistaston Hall Bridge/the new splitter island raises my concern.
Cheshire East Highways has replaced the footbridge next to this road-bridge, rather than widen the road-bridge.
The road-bridge should have been widened to fully accommodate the flow and increased number of wide vehicles, as a car and HGV cannot share the same space.
Traffic turning right from Broughton Lane towards this bridge also faces fast moving traffic coming down the hill on Valley Road.
3. ‘Kingfisher Reach’ vicinity – the single-file Golden Jubilee Bridge on Wistaston Green Road adjacent to the 150 dwelling Bellway ‘Kingfisher Reach’ housing development raises concerns.
I frequently hear the screech of vehicle breaks from the bridge, due to drivers going too fast or unaware of the single-file traffic direction.
With the additional of a significant number of vehicles from Kingfisher Reach and other new local housing developments, I foresee more incidents and accidents due to the increased volume of traffic – the bridge should be widened immediately.
Unfortunately, my predictions are becoming true.
Investigations are in progress, but this week I was saddened to see a vehicle which had left the road, adjacent to Golden Jubilee Bridge on Wistaston Green Road, close to the Bellway ‘Kingfisher Reach’ housing development.
I pray that this is a one-off incident, but I fear that with the increased traffic through the village it will be one of many road traffic incidents in the future.
Jonathan White
Hello Jonathan,
I totally agreed with your letter and I would like to add another potential traffic accident hotspot if I may please?
This happens on a regular occurrence to me and it is as you drive up Joey the Swan, pass the Woodside pub and aim to go straight on at the mini roundabout into Valley Road.
On quite a few occasions, drivers approaching from Wistaston Green Road have turned right, right into my path without looking properly as if they have right of way.
Has the highway code changed and you don’t need to take due care whilst driving.
Maybe a road sign could be erected by the council to remind drivers of their responsibilities as they approach the roundabout.
Many Thanks
Local authorities have no interest. The costs of accidents are mainly borne by insurance companies and the NHS. LAs might react if it starts to cost them money.