A consultation on plans for a new primary school in Nantwich is underway.
Cheshire East Council chiefs want to hear views of people in Nantwich and surrounding area which will be built at Kingsley Fields, near the Nantwich Town football ground.
Nantwich has been facing a growing demand for school places driven by an increase in children and families from new housing developments including Kingsley Fields and Malbank Waters.
The council says it needs to plan for the new school to meet the projected future demand for school places.
The proposal is for a one-form entry primary school, which will provide an additional 210 places for reception to year six pupils with an opening date of September 2024.
The new school aims to reduce the pressure on over-subscribed schools in the Nantwich area, the need to travel across town and the additional traffic created.
Plans are for the opening to be phased over time based upon the number of pupils coming forward.
People can submit views online, or emailing a form, or visiting a drop-in session.
The consultation is now open and runs until November 10 with views reported back to the Department for Education and the council’s children and families committee.
Briefings for local schools and local councillors have already taken place ahead of the launch of this consultation period.
Cllr Kathryn Flavell, lead member for children and families at Cheshire East Council, said: “We have a great track record in providing sufficient school places for children and young people across the borough, with 98% of Cheshire East parents being given a primary school place of their choice on national offer day this year.
“We consistently monitor school admissions to ensure there are sufficient places and analyse the latest pupil forecasts.
“This work identified the need to provide additional primary school places in Nantwich from the academic year 2024/25.
“Plans for the new primary school are one part of a local centre that also includes sports facilities and green spaces, creating a real community feel to the housing development.
“I urge anyone with an interest to let us know your views on this proposal, as your feedback will help us prepare the specification details for the new school.”
Contribute your views by any of the methods below:
* Online by visiting the Cheshire East Council website
* Completing a feedback form here and emailing [email protected]
* Visiting a public drop-in session on Tuesday October 19 from 10am to 6.30pm at Nantwich Library, Beam Street, Nantwich, CW5 5LY
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