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Cheshire East is to start looking for potential sponsors to run a new primary school proposed for a site at Basford, near Shavington.

The free school is due to open in September 2025 and will take children from new housing in the area, including the South Cheshire Growth Village.

It will initially be one-form entry for pupils from reception age to year six, with the option for a 30-place nursery.

There will be potential to increase to a two-form entry to allow for future expansion if the need arises because of additional housing in the local area.

Councillors at this Monday’s (January 10) CEC children and families committee meeting are being asked to give officers the go-ahead to proceed with the free school presumption process.

This includes undertaking a consultation with the local community, local schools, local councillors, town council and local MP.

They are also expected to agree the transfer of the proposed school site into council ownership and to start looking for potential sponsors to run the new school.

Funding of £5 million has been allocated for the scheme, with just over half of this coming from Section 106 agreements with developers.

The report to the committee states: “This free school presumption route is local authority initiated and therefore fully funded through the use of grants and Section 106 contributions.

“It is not part of the national ‘Wave’ programme for new schools and therefore does not attract specific national funding.

“Section 106 agreements in respect of both phases of the proposed development are in place, and these include an obligation upon the developers to provide a total of education funding contributions of £2.528m to help fund the build of a new primary school.”

The new school will be sited on land adjacent to David Whitby Way.

The report adds: “Future housing development schemes in the area include South Cheshire Growth Village.

“As part of the planning process, it is anticipated the service will request a Section 106 contribution towards the costs for providing additional school places.

“As detailed in the local plan, 650 houses are expected from this site, which would produce a pupil yield of 230 in total, of which 124 would be primary age pupils, 98 secondary age pupils and eight special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) pupils.

“Currently, there is a scheme being progressed to provide additional capacity at Shavington Secondary School for 150 places to meet the increasing demand for secondary aged pupils.”

The children and families committee meeting takes place at Crewe Municipal Buildings on Monday January 10 at 10.30am.

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