Dear Editor,
Crewe Market Hall on a Friday morning used to be bustling, full of people and stalls, a great atmosphere, sounds and smells and all the signs of a successful market, that drew people in from afar to shop in the town.
Last Friday morning there was only a handful of people in the Market Hall and more stalls shut than open.Those that were open were mainly fast food or drink.
Such a great shame.
The outside market, next to the Market Hall, used to equally busy.
It is not there at all now !!!
The outside market is now just a few stalls around the closed Marks and Spencer store and on the Square.
Cheshire East spent £3 MILLION refurbishing the Market Hall. What was all that money spent on?
It has been open now in its new form for just over a year.
I dread to think what the Market Hall is costing Council taxpayers. It must need huge subsidies to just keep going.
A great Market has been destroyed.
Why have Cheshire East done this?
Why didn’t the Labour run Town Council speak out to try and save the Market?
It is all extremely sad.
The beating heart of the town centre is no more.
If the Council wanted to create a live music venue with bars and fast food, there are plenty of other possible sites in the town centre.
To kill off one of the best markets in Cheshire is an act of Municipal vandalism by the Labour run Cheshire East Council and it has had a major detrimental impact on the rest of the town centre because those thousands of people who came to shop in the Market Hall and the outside market are mainly not coming to Crewe anymore.
Cheshire East have a lot to answer for.
‘Putting Crewe First’ would bring back Crewe Market in all its former glory, both inside the Market Hall and outside.
It would be a major part in giving shoppers a reason to come back to Crewe Town Centre, along with halving the car parking fees.
Yours faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First
(library image from pixabay)
So instead of asking open questions to which you know the answer, how about telling us what YOU actually did. We read a lot of open letters on here from you but no one is sure what YOU are actually doing as a councillor other than moan on the internet Brain.