damaged grass verges - pic by Robin Stott creative commons

Dear Editor,
Cheshire East have sent out letters to many Crewe residents asking them to REMOVE the large stones off the grass verges, in front of their homes, within a month, or they will be sent the bill to remove them.

This is an outrage.

The stones are only placed there to stop vehicles cutting up the verges.

Many of the residents concerned cut the grass themselves, so they are saving local council taxpayers a lot of money.

‘Putting Crewe First’ is calling on Cheshire East to immediately drop their crazy plan to charge residents if they don’t remove the large stones from the grass verges outside their home.

Far too many of the grass verges in Crewe are deeply rutted eyesores, that residents have to look at, and live with, 24/7, in their street.

You don’t get totally destroyed grass verges in places like Alderley Edge, Knutsford or Wilmslow in Cheshire East, because the residents there would not put up with that type of destruction of their neighbourhood for five minutes.

So why is it allowed in Crewe?

Why are Crewe residents always treated as second class citizens in Cheshire East?

Why is the Labour-run Cheshire East so uncaring about Crewe residents, especially when you consider that ALL the councillors in Crewe, the TEN borough councillors and 20 town councillors, are ALL Labour?

‘Putting Crewe First’ would ENCOURAGE residents to protect their grass verges with large stones.

Where residents don’t want to, or can’t do that, we would restore the grass verges and protect them.

Or if the residents concerned want the grass verge in front of their home replaced with hard standing for parking, we would respect their wishes.

This is the only sensible way to deal with the many deeply damaged grass verges in Crewe.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr. Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First

(Library image by Robin Stott creative commons licence)


  1. Ted mason says:

    What a twit you are Phil the one with no ideas. Wildflowers eh? So how does that stop vehicles parking.?
    The rot starts with a few churned up verges, that in turn change the landscape to a slum area, what is the point in voicing the negative. We need people to stand up and say enough of the sod you I will do as I like idiots out there, laziness is never a good look time to make a change

  2. brian silvester says:

    If you had a churned up, cut to pieces grass verge outside your home Phil, and had to live with it 24/7, I think you would change your view.

  3. Des Norman says:

    We are right to voice concern, outrage or resigned disgust at the lazy and thoughtless amongst us. These morons cost us money in the long run, just who pays for the repair every time,us not the council
    Far better to place a tree every 8′ to prevent parking, or turn the area into cycle lanes boxed off, amazing how we still have these silly bits of land without thought to how they should be used better

  4. The grass verges have no benefit; they are a wildlife desert.
    Simplest way would be to remove them entirely.
    Until we get away from our car obsessed lifestyles, and these verge areas can be allowed to flourish with wildflowers and create a haven for nature, they will continue to be used to park vehicles.
    This is nothing to do with labour councillors, so stop bringing your cheap political side swipes into this conversation.
    And as for calling this an “outrage”, I think you need to get this into perspective with all the issues that we face as a society these days, a few churned up verges in Crewe are hardly out most significant concern.

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