Weston M6 - Proposed Business Park

Developers behind a new “Weston M6” business park off the A500 say it will help to create 2,900 jobs in South Cheshire.

Muse says it is launching a “community conversation” to showcase plans for Weston M6.

They describe it as a “new, state-of-the-art, sustainable business park, set within vast, accessible green spaces for the community to enjoy”.

The proposal is for land between the A500 and David Whitby Way in Basford East, which has been allocated in Cheshire East Council’s local plan for job creation.

It would include sustainable workspaces, with footpaths, cycleways, parks, nature trails and green space to connect Weston M6 to homes in the area.

Pocket parks, open spaces and a new habitat park aim to provide space for relaxing and socialising.

And “green streets” and outdoor co-working spaces with trees and shrubs aim to create a campus-style feel.

Developers believe Weston M6 will be attractive to national and international businesses looking to access the UK market and local talent.

Jt could create up to 2,900 full-time jobs and more than 165 jobs created during its construction.

David Burkinshaw, development director at Muse, said: “We’re looking forward to meeting the community to showcase our plans, which have been designed to create a vibrant place that benefits the whole community for the long-term and meets their needs.

“At Weston M6, we have a real opportunity to deliver something special; a sustainable location that creates thousands of jobs for local people, while at the same time attracting significant investment into the local economy and we’re excited for the journey ahead.”

A public event has been scheduled for members of the community to view the plans, ask questions to members of the project team, and provide their feedback.

The event is taking place on Tuesday October 18 (3pm – 7pm) at the White Lion Restaurant & Hotel in Weston.

Alternatively, members of the community can view the plans and submit feedback via the consultation website at www.westonM6consultation.co.uk

Weston M6 - Proposed Business Park
Weston M6 – Proposed Business Park


  1. Sideburnrovers says:

    And yet more traffic hitting the single carriageway Newcastle Road A500/M6 bottleneck!

  2. Cynical Syd says:

    Can anyone please tell me who has allowed these huge warehouse developments at Basford to be built and yet they have no railway connection to move goods by rail.

    In todays world of aiming to reduce the carbon footprint, Railfreight is by far more efficient than road to move goods and Rail produces far less CO2 emissions.

    The Warehouses and distribution hubs have been built right adjacent to the Railfreight yard at Basford Hall, so why did the planners or Cheshire East (ha ha!) not stipulate there had to be a connection to the railway to encourage more freight to be transported by Rail.

    Yet another shambles and decisions made my people not looking at the bigger picture.

  3. So we tear up hedges and mature trees to build factory units then plant trees so people can relax and frighten any any wild life, well thought up planning, l think not.

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