mental health services for university students

Despite growing awareness of mental health in modern society, when it comes to male mental health, we still have a problem.

Men face various barriers when it comes to talking about mental illness.

In fact, a survey by healthcare provider Priory found that as many as 40 per cent of men say they’ve never spoken to anyone about their mental health.

This can have devastating and even deadly consequences, making it vital for men to find healthy ways to express themselves and talk about mental health.

Common causes of mental illness in men
Mental health issues can arise from many different places, and it’s difficult to say exactly what might cause mental illness in men.

However, there are some risk factors and life events that make someone more likely to suffer with mental illness. This includes:

– A family history of mental illness
– Drug and alcohol use or abuse
– Physical health issues
– Unemployment or job loss
Birth of a child
– Relationship or sexuality and gender issues

These risk factors don’t necessarily make you predisposed to suffering from mental illness, but identifying the source of the problem may help you to work through it.

Self-help remedies
Mental health issues aren’t always simple, and sometimes they require complex solutions.

However, if you suffer from some more common mental health issues such as anxiety or low self-esteem, making changes to your lifestyle can help to ease the burden.

Often men find it more difficult to care for themselves than women, and this can exacerbate mental health issues further.

Proper grooming can go a long way in boosting your confidence and sense of self.

You could try out a new haircut, or give your skin some love with wax strips, moisturiser or a whole new regime for cleaning your face.

Establish a support circle
Research shows that men often have fewer friends than women as they age, and are more prone to social isolation.

Having a close support circle of friends and family is key for tackling male mental health issues.

This isn’t just because family and friends help combat social isolation.

They also offer a non-judgemental setting for men to openly discuss any mental health issues they’re having.

Professional help
Of course, not all mental health problems can be solved through better self-care and speaking with friends and family.

Sometimes professional help is the best way to help men work through their problems towards recovery.

If you think you may need professional help, try speaking to your GP in the first instance.

Otherwise, you may be able to seek help via charities such as Mind, who sometimes offer private counselling support.

Whatever issues you may be having, remember that support is always available.

Additionally, if you check this dentist out in Marlborough, they’ll also tell you that you should take good care of your physical health and have regular medical checkups. Remember that a healthy body can deal with stress better than a weak one.

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