Ben Hur on stage. Is that even possible?
If you head to Nantwich Players this weekend, you’ll see that it is.
The Studio Team’s latest production is the epic comedy Bun Hur, written by Patrick Barlow and based on the book by General Lew Wallace.
It’s a fabulous, fun and silly show. Laugh too much and you’ll miss some of the hilarious one liners which fill the script.
The story is brought to us by the fictional company, The Daniel Veil Theatre Collective.
With a limited budget, the cast of six are determined to tell the tale the best way they can, complete with a sea battle and of course, a chariot race.
I enjoyed watching this.
It really made me laugh and the cast were wonderful.
They all played numerous roles and their timing was brilliant. So much energy.
Well done to Adam Goode, Simon Dean, Simon Porter, Megan Goode, Jordan Parsons and Chris Fisher.
Ben Hur is running at The Players theatre on Love Lane in Nantwich until Sunday 18th December.
For more details visit www.nantwichplayers.com
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