Both secondary schools in Nantwich will be affected by the February 1 strike action which involves members of the National Education Union (NEU)
Brine Leas School and Malbank School and Sixth Form College are to close on Wednesday for some year groups due to staff shortages caused by industrial action.
February 1 is the first of four days of strike action by the NEU over the coming weeks. The other days announced so far are February 28 and March 15 and 16.
On Wednesday, Brine Leas will only be open for years 7, 11 and 13. All other year groups will not attend.
And at Malbank, all students in years 7-11 will be required to work at home, with just year 12 and 13 students in school as normal. Year 13 students will be sitting their mock exams.
Malbank headteacher Jon Harrison said: “I appreciate it seems very strange for our school to close for some pupils, particularly within the context of the recent pandemic and our clearly stated intent to improve attendance.
“However, the reasons for the strike days are not rooted at a local level or based on problems at Malbank School, but at an entirely national level.
“I find it hard to see young members of my profession invest years of their life and significant money to pay to train to have the chance to undertake what I fundamentally believe to be one of the most important jobs there is, only to find they are incapable of getting a mortgage and in some (albeit thankfully rare) cases occasionally having to access foodbanks.”
Mr Harrison said up to 90% of his staff who are eligible to strike are intending to.
Teacher supply agencies have also instructed supply staff not to cross picket lines.
In a letter to parents, he added: “I fully appreciate there will be a spectrum of opinions regarding the strikes.
“I hope that you understand why some of my staff have chosen to strike and how we as a school have had to make difficult and informed judgment calls with the children and families we serve at the centre of those decisions.
“In doing so I have tried to balance my need to provide education and support for the children here at Malbank today whilst supporting the staff who wish to protect the provision for students of the future.”
David Cole, headteacher at Brine Leas, said: “Like many other schools across the country, we have a significant number of
teachers who will be involved in the industrial action next week which means that we will not be able to open safely to all students on Wednesday 1st February.
“We have decided to prioritise Year 7 as we know that many parents may be uncomfortable with leaving students of this age at home throughout the day.
“With regards to Years 11 and 13, we believe that we can use the day to prepare students for their forthcoming summer examinations, although there may be some specialist teachers not available due to the strike action.
“I have not taken this decision lightly. My first priority has to be to open the site in a safe and secure manner. Work will be set for all other students via Microsoft Teams.
“I’m sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your child at short notice, and that they will experience disruption to their education. I am confident that the school community will get through this.”
For more details and announcements, visit their websites www.malbank.com and www.brineleas.co.uk
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