Dear Editor,
Cheshire East Council has made a proposition to change the library opening hours.
This I find atrocious cutting a valuable public service and much wanted community space.
Their reasoning for this is to save money as not to be taken into special measures by the National Government.
I’m sure there was nothing else there could have been cutbacks on! Especially since the library is mostly full every day. Do you think reading is important?
In addition, they are in effect cutting the library staff’s working hours, therefore, having a negative effect on them and their families.
Furthermore, it doesn’t just have a drastic, devastating and diabolical effect on the staff but also pupils who choose to revise using the library facilities.
Moreover, it’s a wonderful environment for studying and a wealth of knowledge and information at your fingertips. Why let the council reduce it?
In addition, it’s used by families with young children for events such as rhyme time or story reading, which are worthwhile events which support their development.
Personally, I have used this library (Nantwich) every week for the last couple of years and I don’t think I’m alone.
There are social groups for senior citizens, and for people who want to learn a language, or even play chess.
This is more than just a library, it’s a community space.
I ask for the community’s support by filling out the form Library Service Consultation 2023 to make your opinions heard.
Ben Cliffe-Kirby (Student)
Completely agree, this feels to be a knee jerk response to resolve a situation. In resent years, funding seems to be going into crewe, little into nantwich. If this much need resources is reduced or out sourced to crewe nantwich residents may loose really central community support for all ages of the community, we also have to look at the wider impact, social isolation, environmental factors, early years development.