One thing that we can’t deny is that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already proven to be one of the most transformative technologies of the 21st century.
And as it continues to grow, it will bring about lots of changes.
These range from how we interact with one another to how we work.
All these changes of course have their positive and negative impacts, and the scale will most likely balance on the positive side.
So, in a year that has been filled with talk about AI, what is the impact on society so far?
Today, we’ll look at various ways how the technology is influencing our lives.
Transforming Business Processes
Arguably, the biggest impact of AI is in the business sector.
The technology has significantly affected how various tasks and operations within the business setup are carried out, all with an aim to increase efficiency.
The impact of this has been quite huge, and it has made it possible for businesses to unblock new possibilities, insights and opportunities.
This is made possible by the fact that businesses usually have lots of data.
AI has then been integrated into various processes to analyze this data and come up with better insights.
Analyzed data can be used to make decisions regarding all aspects of the business, from budgeting, to patient retention (or how to retain your clients, whatever your business does), to marketing, that are more effective as they are based on patterns and trends
It also significantly enhances how a business interacts with customers, as AI can help tailor recommendations, marketing campaigns, product offerings, etc.
For example, AI can help a business entice users with a tempting cross-sell or offer perks such as free spins no deposit in the case of online casinos, based on customer behavior.
Transforming Jobs
The biggest fear that people have when it comes to AI is that there will be millions of jobs lost.
This is true to some extend as AI is capable of automating routine and low-skill jobs, and its actually already replacing human workers at a fast rate.
But one thing that most people don’t realize is that it’s also creating lots of jobs.
In fact, more than half of British employers believe that AI will actually boost employment over the next two years.
According to the report, more than two-thirds of British businesses also expect that the various AI tools released, including ChatGPT, will make employees better by helping them gain new skills.
So it’s not just a matter of an impending doom, but a new way of working.
A New Way of Interacting with Technology
AI has been quite interesting in that it tries to make our interactions with other technologies as easy as possible.
This isn’t something new, and it goes back to some things we are very familiar with – voice assistants.
Today, you only need to tell Siri to do something for you, like setting a reminder for a meeting, or ask Alexa to order something for you from Amazon.
This also goes to much more complex tasks like driving. We have seen the likes of Tesla come up with autonomous vehicles, and they use AI combined with other technologies to understand where the car is and make split-second decisions.
Privacy Concerns
Beyond the new inventions that AI has brought about, there’s also something that we are all worried about – privacy.
For several years, we have seen and heard discussions about whether Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa are always listening to us.
You talk about something with your friend, and you see it pop-up in your adverts.
While some of these may just be concerns, the thing about AI is that it is data-driven, and therefore it will always collect as much data as it can.
Lots of questions have therefore been raised regarding how the various AI products we can handle our data.
The UK government, in particular, is taking various measures to ensure that consumer data is not misused, but this is also being balanced with promoting innovation.
It will be interesting to see where the technology will take us in the near future.
(Pic https://pixabay.com/photos/artificial-intelligence-robot-ai-2167835/)
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