A couple who have run a village pub near Nantwich for more than 30 years have been honoured by their local customers!
Punters gathered at the Bhurtpore Inn in Aston to present landlord and landlady Simon and Nicky George with engraved tumblers.
They wanted to say “thank you” to the couple who have run the multi award-winning, family owned pub since 1992.
In that time, the pub has won numerous awards and it is recommended by all major pub and beer guides, including the Good Pub Guide, the Good Beer Guide, Alastair Sawday’s Pubs & Inns of England & Wales and the AA Pub Guide.
The presentation at the weekend was carried out by Eddie Forshaw, a local band leader, and Mike Fenton, the first customer in 1992 who enjoyed a pint of Mitchells Mild!
(Pic courtesy of Simon Tracy Forster)
So well deserved! You are legends! The best pub ever.