An exhibition called “Within the Loop” by Threadmill has opened at Nantwich Museum and will run until Saturday 17 February.
The Cheshire-based Threadmill Textile Artists display of work is the Millennium Gallery at the Pillory Street venue.
It shows superb needlework, most of which is for sale, which has taken its inspiration from walks around Nantwich reflecting the ancient and modern.
Threadmill was formed in 1995 by a group of like-minded artists.
Members have a range of backgrounds, most have recognised vocational qualifications or degrees in Art and Design subjects and several also teach in schools and colleges.
They share an enthusiasm for creativity, using textiles as the principal means of artistic expression.
And they are committed to the promotion of textiles as a decorative and expressive art form.
Their aim is to increase awareness and education through exhibitions and workshops.
They meet regularly to exchange ideas and are keen to explore new avenues.
To create a group identity, each exhibition has a theme ensuring work has a common link while allowing individuals to express themselves freely.
Entry to the museum and the exhibition is free. Donations towards the running of the museum are welcome.
Contact Nantwich Museum on [email protected] or telephone 01270 627104; https://www.facebook.com/nantwichmuseum
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