A new “Nude not Rude” exhibition has opened at Nantwich Museum of life drawings by members of the Nantwich Life Drawing Group.
The group has more than 300 members who all share a love of drawing the human figure.
The exhibition aims to put life drawing into a contemporary context while changing people’s perceptions of what drawing a nude model is all about.
Many of the original artworks exhibited will be for sale, as well as prints to buy in the Museum shop.
During each week of the exhibition, visitors can book onto guided “taster sessions” to explore different aspects of life drawing.
Each session will have a model available to draw from who will be draped or wearing a selection of museum costumes and props.
Visitors will be charged a small fee of £2 per person (free to under 16s) to cover the costs of models and drawing materials.
Bookings can be made via the Art Ticket app on The Nantwich Museum website or at The Museum shop.
The exhibition closes on Saturday May 4.
Taster sessions (all held at Nantwich Museum):
1. Make your mark on Saturday 23rd March 11.00am-12.00pm
2. Where to look on Saturday 30th March 11.00am-12.00pm
3. Go Digital on Thursday 4th April 11.00am-12.00pm
4. Light & dark on Saturday 13th April 11.00am-12.00pm
5. Tools of the trade on Saturday 20th April 11.00am-12.00pm
6. Colour on Saturday on 27th April 11.00am-12.00pm
7. Get creative on Saturday 4th May 11.00am-12.00pm
Nantwich Life Drawing Group was set up in January 2022, with bi-monthly life drawing sessions held at the Peggy Killick Suite at Nantwich Civic Hall.
For more information see facebook.com/nantwichlifedrawinggroup
The museum is open from 10am-4pm (Tuesday – Saturday). Entry is free unless otherwise indicated.
For further information contact: Nantwich Museum on [email protected] or telephone 01270 627104.

Remind me what year we are in??, “Nude not Rude ” I was thinking the narrative here sounds as though it was written in 1840. Words fail