auditions - Nantwich Players Theatre (3)

I was gifted a copy of the book ‘The Girl on The Train’ by Paula Hawkins for my birthday a few years ago by one of my close friends, writes Claire Faulkner.

I read it within a couple of days and have since recommended it to book clubs and other friends.

So I was thrilled when I heard Nantwich Players would be performing it this season!

Directed by Bethany Gail, this production brings all the intensity, drama and emotion from the book directly to the stage.

The story focuses on the character of Rachel Watson, what she saw, or didn’t see and her desperate attempt to help another woman and get her own life back on track.

Themes of addiction and domestic abuse appear throughout the story.

The staging in black and white, added to the atmosphere and the use of light and sound brought the familiar well known motion of trains passing by into the theatre.

The cast gave a fantastic performance. Teresa Kay, who seemed to be on stage the entire time and played Rachel was simply outstanding.

Michael Esgate gave a strong performance as Scott Hipwell as did Chris Finney as Tom Watson.

The Girl on the Train is running at The Players until 18th May, I wish I could go back and watch it again, but all of the tickets are now sold for this production.

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