Aroma Cafe Bar in Nantwich

Aroma Cafe Bar in Nantwich has closed its doors – but owners have revealed plans to reopen as a restaurant.

The venue on Hospital Street closed its doors on Saturday (May 11).

But its owners confirmed to Nantwich News today that they intend to re-open later this year as a new restaurant.

A spokesperson said: “Yes the Aroma has now closed down, and will open as a restaurant Cypriot – Mediterranean, in a few months.

“We don’t have a date as builders start at the end of this month.”

The closure comes on the same weekend owners of nearby Rodney Densem Wines announced they are also closing for good.

The business on Pillory Street had been up for sale but it appears no buyer was found.

Meanwhile, another local retailer Wendy’s Florist confirmed it is currently for sale and seeking a buyer but is not closing.

Wendy’s, on Hospital Street, has had a presence in Nantwich since 1969.

They said: “We saw that Rodney Densem are closing – it’s such a shame and I’m surprised no one would buy it.

“We are not closing. We are hoping to secure a new owner soon. Just waiting for the right buyer to take on this great little business that’s been in Nantwich since 1969.”

(Pic by Google Maps)

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