Rodney Densem Wines in Nantwich

The owners of Rodney Densem Wines are to close their shop for good in Nantwich after more than 50 years.

They made the announcement on social media today (May 12) with the Pillory Street shop set to close in a few weeks.

The decision has sparked many tributes and messages of support from residents and other businesses in the town.

In their announcement, owners Margie, Simon, Paraskevi and Steve said: “Since our establishment in 1972, your unwavering support has been the heart and soul of our business.

“Together we have shared countless moments of joy, laughter and fine wine.

“As we prepare to close our doors in a couple of months or so, we do so with immense appreciation.

“Our exceptional manager Clare and her dedicated team have continued to uphold the quality service and expertise that define Rodney Densem Wines.

“To each and every customer who walked through our doors, thank you for being part of our story.

“Cheers to the memories, the camaraderie, and the legacy of Rodney Densem Wines.”

The local, independent wine and spirit merchants have also been big supporters of the town’s annual Food Festival in the past.

One supporter said on social media: “It is so sad that our town is losing such an individual, knowledgeable team.”

Another added: “Incredibly sad times, a hugely iconic, well respected and valuable part of the Nantwich community which will be HUGELY missed. A huge thanks to Clare and the team for your support over the last few years.”

Another customer added: “Such sad news. Clare and the RDW team have been amazing over the many years I’ve been shopping with you.

“You are all so knowledgeable, and the wine, champagne and spirit tastings have all been fabulous. So sorry that you are closing. Good luck to Clare and the team for the future.”

Rodney Densem food festival window display winners
Rodney Densem food festival window display winners in 2019

One Comment

  1. George Beardsell says:

    It’s a bit like a bereavement in a family. If you wanted something special it was your first choice.

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