Nantwich residents have been getting in a flap this week as a stray Peacock has been seen roaming around the town.
And the colourful creature is quickly gaining fame – even having his own Facebook Page launched!
A number of people have posted on social media photos and videos of the Peacock in their gardens.
“Pete the Peacock” as he has been named has been spotted in the Barony Road, Mercer Way, Sainsbury’s and Reaseheath areas over the past 48 hours.
Yet it seems mystery remains as to his owner.
Many are marvelling at the Peacock’s colourful “train” which some experts believe are designed to be “showy” and attract females.
But others have voiced fears about his welfare, one added: “This poor bird needs to be taken somewhere where he can properly cared for. He must be quite distressed. Is there such a place or experienced peacock owners?”
One resident said the Peacock also visited residents a couple of years ago.
“He visited us a couple of years age and he wondered around Nantwich area. He’s in good health will stay a couple of days then go,” they added.
Another reader added: “He’s been doing the rounds. If anyone can get near enough to read the number on his leg you can trace where he’s from.”
According to the RSPB, Peafowl are a non-indigenous species not covered by any UK wildlife protection laws, and are therefore not classed as a wild bird in the UK.
“Most birds will have owners as they are held as domestic pets. As domesticated pets, they are also covered by the Protection of Animals Act 1911 with regard to cruelty.”
Other advice on peacocks/peafowl includes:
– they can be noisy – they have a very loud high-pitched meow like call. They call a lot during the mating season (early spring to early autumn) Dawn and late evening is a favourite time for this.
– they tend to wander and when people get them, they often don’t realise there’s a process you need to go through to get them to stay in a particular area, although this can often be unsuccessful
– they like to roost in trees and will commonly go looking for a suitable one, often this outside of the owner’s area. They will also roost on roofs where they can cause damage
– they are fond of cars and enjoy standing on them. They will also attack their reflection in cars and cause damage by scratching and pecking them
– they often dig up flowerbeds and cause damage to gardens while foraging for food
Further advice says if a peafowl escapes, it should be reported to Defra by phone on 0845 9 33 55 77 or by emailing [email protected]
(images courtesy of Nantwich residents)
I have contacted them, they say peacocks do this mating this time of year so will eventually return to home.
Need to ask RSPCA Stapeley for help before some idiot does something stupid