The Proclamation by Nantwich Town Crier Devlin Hobson (1)

Nantwich’s Town Crier has been sacked for Facebook comments he made which one councillor alleged brought the town council into disrepute.

Devlin Hobson, who has been town crier in Nantwich for three years, confirmed today he had “been let go” by the town council.

His social media comments were left on a story earlier in January about Labour Cllr John Priest’s motion to change the way the town mayor was appointed.

A complaint was made and after a closed meeting at the town council, the decision was made to remove him from the position.

Mr Hobson told Nantwich News today: “I made those comments as me, not as the town crier!

“I saw what happened to Middlewich Town Council when the Labour group tried to take over, and it ended up in disaster.

“I was just worried the same would happen in Nantwich. I love the town, I am gutted to leave the role. I’m still friends with the staff and many of the councillors.”

Mr Hobson is a regular sight in Nantwich, opening some of the biggest events in the town as well as making guest appearances in local schools.

He also helped launch our new free community newspaper Nantwich Life back in August 2024.

He was town crier at Middlewich for seven years before his appointment in Nantwich.

Town Crier Dev Hobson removed from post
Town Crier Dev Hobson

He added: “From what I can see, the town Labour group wants total power and if that happens with my experience of Middlewich, it will be a disaster for the town and its people.

“Middlewich doesn’t have a town clerk, very few staff, the few events that are run are done so by volunteers.

“It was complete chaos which came about by Labour taking over the council. I was concerned that Nantwich was going the same way.

“I was told a complaint was made, it went to a closed meeting and Sam the clerk rang me upset to say she had not choice to let me go.

“I know many councillors wanted to keep me and thought I was doing a great job promoting the town, but I believe Sam was put in a predicament and had no choice.

Cllr John Priest
Cllr John Priest

“I’d come back today if they just wanted to give me a telling off!”

A spokesperson for Nantwich Town Council said: “The agreement with our town crier Dev Hobson, who has been a valued member of our community, has been concluded by mutual consent.

“We recognise and appreciate the time and energy Dev has dedicated to his role, he has been a great ambassador for the town, and we are grateful for his contributions to the vibrant atmosphere of our town events.

“The Town Council remains committed to ensuring that our community continues to thrive and move forward with respect and care for all those who contribute to it, and as such will review the role in the near future.

“The council values the efforts of all volunteers and remains focused on supporting a positive and collaborative environment for all members of our town.”

Cllr Priest said: “The issue in question is one which has been dealt with by internal disciplinary procedures of the Town Council on which it would be inappropriate for me to comment.”


  1. WendyRDerrick says:

    Yet freedom of speech is taken from us and you come up with this bs

  2. I am one of Nantwich Events Photographers, I have worked alongside Dev for the past few years and he has been a shining light, his eccentric dress and look has been so colourful and given many folk joy. I for one will miss him by my side on opening events. He will be missed.
    On a note, we should all be aloud to voice out, one of the problems these days is your not aloud to say or do anything, and thus people are not heard.

  3. In any job you have a contract which stipulates what you can and cannot do. If the council contract for this job stipulates you can’t post critical political content on social media, you can opt not to accept the job if that freedom is crucial to you. If you sign the contract and break it you can expect to be fired. It’s not hard and its how all businesses work.

  4. Looks like its a bit of a habit ,first Kidsgrove,then Middlewich now Nantwich
    is there a bit of a cycle here?

  5. Enoch: There’s no doubting the Conservatives were truly awful, but surely the point of electing a new government is to see some positive changes?

    If you look at the YouGov data, two thirds of the population have a negative view of Labour’s performance. (Even 50% of Labour voters think they’re handling the economy badly).

    You may detect I’m not a Labour voter, but I’d hoped that they’d use their first taste of power in a decade and a half to make positive changes, but in WFA, migration, public sector pay, Europe, the economy, welfare and crime, they seem to be going out of their way to adopt massively unpopular policies.

    There’s no point in them whining “£22Bn black hole” every five minutes in an effort to deflect attention from an awful start in what should be their honeymoon period, and they need to work as well for the general public as they undoubtedly do for the unions.

  6. Mike Thepipe says:

    If we are allowed to vote in the future surely vote for anyone but the crowd we have masquerading as Labour politicians.

  7. Darren the Dabber says:

    In reply to Mandy Price
    Here lies the problem, NTC is not local government.
    NTC is and should be a non political (or small political) group of elected volunteers, driven by a strong moral compass and a willingness to represent the local community.
    It appears it has been hijacked by a band of Red leaning narcissists, craving power and publicity for their own agenda.
    Nantwich has lost good hearted councillors, replaced with a gang of cranks.

  8. Priest you’re an idiot. Clear off.

  9. Ahhhh yes. The left/labour are ruining this country by removing **just double checks** a town crier who wasn’t even from Nantwich and couldn’t even pronounce the town correctly.
    He had a public facing job and said something that brought the town into disrepute.
    But let’s not that get in the way of blaming a party for every issue under the sun who have been in power just over half a year.
    And let’s keep supporting the party that brought the county to it’s knees across 14 years.
    Sounds about right.

  10. The rules regarding political opinions voiced in public for government, local government (that includes police officers and fire officers) and NHS employees is very clear. Mr Hobson would have been aware of those rules as it would be in the Terms of Agreement of his employment. Those defending his actions would probably find themselves in a similar situation if they were to negatively comment on the machinations and procedures of their employer.

  11. I don’t know this guy, and I have no idea what his politics are, but whatever they are, he’s entitled to a view.

    The Labour party are scaring the life out of me at the moment with their seemingly completely intolerant view (even to the point of imprisonment) of anyone who dares to hold a different view to theirs.

    There are lots of people who views I oppose (and they mine, I’m sure) but surely it’s a fundamental right of any society to debate each viewpoint?

    Not if you wear a red rosette, apparently.

  12. Surely as a Cheshire East council Tax payer and a person who is entitled to vote in local and General elections,Mr Hobson is entitled to an opinion. Typical small minded Labour councillor who wants his five minute’s of fame.

  13. Mr N T Wich says:

    It sounds like Mr Hobson has unearthed something which the Labour Councillor was fully aware of, that they want total control with no opposition. Easiest thing to do is get rid of him then! Typical bully boy tactics.

  14. Robin Smith says:

    Labour stinks at every level of politics, rotten to the core from Starmer to the likes of Priest

  15. Pathetic, what a terrible decision, backfired on them who wanted him gone, now all eyes are on them, won’t be long before we see how incompetent they are

  16. It seems the guy had two votes on the council, this isn’t a great idea as he could alter events for the majority, plus he has been in the job 3 yrs it is supposed to be fairer by moving the post between parties, every 2 yrs now we have a stranglehold of just labour.
    I agree with Joe, he could not even pronounce the town’s name properly, joke!!

  17. Darren the Dabber says:

    This stinks. Priest should get his priorities right, before playing petty politics against hurty words.
    Shops are closing at a rate of knots, traffic chaos gridlocking the town daily, still unfinished entrance to Reaseheath roundabout……the list of issues is endless

  18. Yet freedom of speech is taken from us and you come up with this bs

  19. To be honest what is the point of this job? I cringe when I hear him yelling out the town’s name as Nan wich when he misses the T I expect that from folk out of the area, however someone from Cheshire is hardly ideal when promoting tourism

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