Fed-up residents across South Cheshire have been signing up to a new Facebook group to highlight the growing danger of potholes on the borough’s roads.
In just a few days the new Facebook group – called Cheshire East Pot Hole Surveillance – had attracted more than 700 people.
It comes after our story highlighting the terrible state of the A530 Middlewich Road between Nantwich and Wistaston sparked a flurry of comments.
The new Facebook group’s members have been sharing stories of expensive vehicle damage caused by craters littering local roads.
One member revealed they had to fork out more than £250 for a replacement tyre after hitting a pothole, calling the pay-out “money I begrudge every single penny of”.
Despite Cheshire East Highways’ ongoing attempts to repair the thousands of potholes in the area, frustration is mounting as drivers complain of insufficient or temporary fixes.
Some are taking a more light-hearted approach, with tongue-in-cheek AI-generated photos of Highways staff depicted as clowns laughing over a gaping pothole, and Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic clinging to driftwood while battling to survive in a huge water-filled pothole.
The group’s founder hopes to harness the anger and humour of local road users into meaningful action.
“We’re stronger as a collective,” they said.
“Our roads should be safe for everyone, whether you’re driving, cycling, or walking.
“We need to get Cheshire East Council to take these issues seriously.”
Readers have been sending in their stories to Nantwich News after our coverage of the A530 Middlewich Road and A530 Whitchurch Road.
Reader Mel said: “I had a burst tyre due to driving over a pothole near Alvaston. Disgusting.”
Fellow motorist Sophie added: “I was caught out by Alvaston in December.
“I had a blow out and a subsequent tyre deflation which left me stranded on the Morrisons carpark for a hours. I tried to re-inflate my tyre but it was no use.
“The AA was then called and had to get a space saver fitted and then was taken to a neighbouring mechanic to get a new tyre on my vehicle.
“With this road you have to remember where all the potholes are when driving. Most of the time you are driving into the middle of both lanes just to not get another blow out.
“There was a recent crash down there which was probably due to the potholes!”
Another reader added: “The A530 is disgusting but also, have you travelled along the Nantwich to Weston stretch of the recently resurfaced A500?
“It is already breaking up, the whole road is producing windscreen chipping pebbles.
“I don’t think the new surface was laid correctly, it should have had a finer grit or asphalt to finish it.
“Also the yellow warning lines in the road that warn of an approaching roundabout are way to severe, way to long and not required anyway.
“Those stripes shake your car to bits no matter what speed you are traveling at.
“I tried contacting Cheshire highways on a couple of occasions with no luck whatsoever.”
And motorist Rowen remarked: “It may not be littered with potholes but the A500 is littered with stones from the poor resurfacing works recently carried out along the carriageway.
“If you go onto the Nantwich Facebook forums you’ll see how many car windscreens have been cracked as a result of this and people opting to drive alternative routes to avoid the road.
“Personally mine has been damaged THREE times now. I’ve asked Cheshire East to clean up the stones and they take no responsibility, telling me to contact the contractor if I want to make a claim.
“I wasn’t asking for them to pay for my new windscreens, simply to clean up the roads.
“I contacted the local Nantwich MP who directed me to the complaints departments at Cheshire East. I’m yet to received any response.”
Cheshire East Highways have blamed the winter conditions and continue to urge motorists to report potholes to Cheshire East’s Fix My Street webpage.
In a statement online, they said: “Potholes are worse when there’s heavy rain, followed by freezing temperatures.
“It means that at this time of the year, it’s usual to see an increase in the number of potholes and road surface issues being reported to us.
“We’re not alone in this – it’s something that’s seen widely across the country and a challenge faced by all councils.
“But we understand the frustration that potholes cause and we’re working hard to address the increase in Cheshire East – using our limited budgets in the best possible way.
“We’re committed to keeping the roads safe in Cheshire East and we’ve increased the number of our teams working on our roads to carry out pothole and patching repairs. We do this on a priority basis.
“Our aim is to carry out permanent repairs on road defects but sometimes that’s not possible due to factors including weather conditions, the traffic management needed, or the number of defects that have been identified.
“Because of the increase in potholes at this time of year, we may not be able to respond to defects as quickly as we’d like to.
“We’ll continue to prioritise and respond to road defects according to the level of risk to road safety. Receiving multiple reports about the same location, does not change our response time.”
You can report a pothole or road defect via: https://fixmystreet.cheshireeast.gov.uk/
To report any issues that present an immediate danger, call 0300 123 5020 or 0300 123 5025 out of hours.
(Additional reporting by Jonathan White)
Im a lorry driver and nantwich, a41 and Whitchurch have the worst road state in uk. Its a massive safety risk
It’s not just the disgusting state of our roads but the Coordination of the utility companies that’s absolutely unfit for purpose! How many traffic lights and road closures can CEC Highways approve at one time in Nantwich? It’s a complete joke and must be run by a bunch of kids! Who’s in charge of this so called Coordination? They need sacking straight away!
As I posted last week, the road in the Cheshire East area have been poorly patched up for the last 5 years, rather than repairing the road correctly. To put it bluntly the head of Cheshire East Highways department position has become untenable and their position needs to be replaced with someone with a Civil Engineering background. Councillor’s should not be running a Highways department, a qualified head is required.
A good example of this Highways departments lack of leadership is the semi collapsed carriageway on the A530 Baddington Bridge. The carriageway on the west side of the bridge collapsed 2 and a half years ago and rather than appointing a Civil Consultant & Contractor to design a repair the carriageway the Highways Department just appointed a traffic management contractor to put up temporary lights. These temporary lights have been on hire for 2 and a half years ago at a cost to us tax payers of £400 a week. The Highways leadership have chosen a long term temporary solution rather than a permanent repair.
The Cheshire East authority roads and footpaths are an utter disgrace this Highways department needs new leadership.
The shoddy repairs from previous winters, which soon crumble with the frost, coupled with additional potholes from natural wear and tear means that this is an ever growing problem. Someone at CE must realise this.
Cheshire East Council are full of excuses. My brother damaged a tyre on the Nantwich to Whitchurch road just before the food factory that produces garlic bread etc. It is a 4 wheel drive car, you have to have 4 new tyres otherwise it damages the drive train and the damage would run into thousands of pounds. It is total disgrace, they tax us to eye balls , talk the talk and deliver very little.
Wonder where councillors live and what the pothole situation is like nearby etc
The FB group will solve nothing. Its just a whinge platform for social media obsessed whingers.
Instead, write to your MP, write to head of Cheshire East Council. Inundate their inboxes with legitimate complaints.
Maybe if the council workers actually fixed the potholes correctly first time rather than sitting in there van for 2 hours looking at it, we would get more potholes fixed .